Monday, August 26, 2013

Dear You,

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” -Dr.Seuss 

On behalf of school starting tomorrow (besides myself) i thought i should post something like this. This is not just for certain people out there, certain ages, certain countries, certain schools because we have all felt self-conscious, weird, we have all felt judged. In my eyes if you have always been content with yourself, birth until now, your lying. This isn't a bad thing however because we oftentimes don't want to admit that we have thought badly about ourselves. There are definitely some things i wish i could change about me. A lot. Normally i wouldn't be saying things like this but i felt it must be said because if it is never said it will never be heard. Those that are suffering from these thoughts, you are not alone, and you never will be. It is perfectly normal to feel like an outsider sometimes. But let's change normal. Because this normal lifestyle isn't worth it. Sad thing is you aren't normal. You are You, and that is something that can never be recreated. Nothing can change you unless you choose to, No one can be you, because that spot is already taken. Now why is it not worth it to be normal? Trying to be normal oftentimes can obstruct you for being yourself. Now i am not saying go break the law, because guidelines like that must be followed. What i am saying, is although it isn't normal to see a person playing their ukulele and singing outside the dorms, do it anyways. Don't NOT do it, if it hasn't been done before. Don't let that stop you and don't be afraid to change it. Be yourself, and don't give a care in the world if this person gives you bad or strange looks, because honestly (and we all know this) there will always be a person to do that. We can change how much of an importance that has on us. SO when you walk in, on your first, second, or 32nd day of school or on the job, remember to be yourself, and don't give a care in the world. There will always be a person who doesn't approve, but just know there are many more approvers, friends, lovers and family members, than disapprovers.Don't ever let that change anything about you. Because you are you, a person that can't be recreated or found anywhere else.

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