Monday, August 19, 2013

Today's Food for Thought

So as i neared 2 weeks for moving into UNT, they changed my roommate. *inhales and exhales deeply* which i would be slightly okay with if i could just get in contact with this new girl i will rooming with for the next school year. Now i am slightly worried, how bad could it be right? She looks nice! Now rooming in with a stranger (i was previously planning on it with a friend) and all i can think about is that movie Roommate which is DEFINITELY over-the-top creepy (as seen above).
So i am definitely irritated that i have been getting no responses. Should i bring a TV or is she planning on bringing one? what side of the room does she want, is it stingy if i pick it first? I hate that she isn't responding yet i pause, come to think of it i do that too. I usually never respond texts or to messages, not just because i am "busy", i may lose it,or i may not really care to check my inbox. And then i think shouldn't i hate myself for doing that too? Aren't i being hypocritical. But then you always have people saying "love yourself and your insecurities". But that statement is a tad hypocritical as well. First of all it is quite hard to love what you least like about yourself in a society so hell-bent on perfection. Perfect figure, perfect hair, perfect style, so Hollywood or should i say tumblr-worthy. second of all these people that say you should love yourself regardless PROBABLY wouldn't be saying this to a guy like Hitler. Oh you hate jews, that is still so lovely and beautiful. NOOOO!  Point is, we should love ourselves but we should also see and understand problems, and find solutions for those problems. It doesn't change you, it makes you grow as a person. Are you very introverted and you don't like that about yourself? Meet or start a conversation with at least 2 people a week. Bottom line, love yourself, your beauty and the imperfections, but don't be afraid of changing things too, no one is perfect. I am not saying GET A NOSE JOB or anything i promise!
ANYWAYSSS my mom is trying to get me to pack because i leave soon. yeahh i should do that.

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